The following documents comprise a collection of information that will prove useful to chapter officers and members alike. Review the handbooks to see what the duties and functions of the various officers are. Take a look at the committee descriptions to see what they are charged with doing. Treasurers and Secretaries will find blank copies of annual reports that can be filled in, and in most cases, submitted electronically. There are also various state council policies and any related forms that go with them, such as the travel policy and expense reimbursement form. All of these forms can be copied and saved to your own PC for future use.
First adopted at the VVA South Carolina State Council Meeting Jan. 30, 1994.
Amended August 09, 2006
Amended December 21, 2008
Amended June 9, 2019
Section 1 – Objective
These By-laws support the Constitution of the Vietnam Veterans of America, Incorporated, herein called the “Constitution.” They provide extended details required to manage the South Carolina State Council of Vietnam Veterans of America, Inc.
Section 2 - Establishment
Having met all requirements for establishing the South Carolina State Council, the Council was established as a not-for-profit corporation pursuant to the appropriate provisions of the laws of South Carolina. The Council has completed the incorporation process and has adopted the Constitution of the Corporation as it is now in existence. The State Council will also execute such other instruments and documents as may be required, and forward the same to the Secretary of the Corporation.
Section 3 - Purposes
The purposes of the South Carolina State Council shall be to promote and enforce the principles and policies of the Corporation as set forth in the Constitution and in these By-Laws, and the rules and resolutions and the Code of Disciplinary Procedure of the Corporation.
Section 1 - Composition:
Section 2 – Voting Rights
Section 3 – Associate Member Liaison
After written recommendation from the South Carolina Associates of Vietnam Veterans of America, Inc. (AVVA) the State Council shall seat a Liaison on the State Board of Directors, who shall serve as a non-voting Special Advisor to the State Council Board of Directors entitled to be heard on all matters.
Section 1 - Offices
Section 2 – Duties of Officers
Section 1 - Schedule
Section 2 - Quorum
A quorum to conduct business shall be defined as representation by half of the fully chartered chapters in the state. At large membership shall not be considered in determining a quorum.
The Council has established the standing committees defined in Appendix II of these by-laws. It may also establish such special committees as are necessary or proper to the conduct of the business of the Council. Each of the standing committees shall perform the functions ascribed to it in Appendix II. The President of the State Council shall appoint the chairperson of such committees, who shall then appoint the members of said committees, subject to the approval of the State Council. The committee chair may nominate qualified non-members to serve as non-voting Special Advisors to the committee.
Section 1 – Fund Raising
In accordance with the Constitution which states “Subject to the provisions of VVA Constitution and the rules, resolutions and procedures of the Corporation, each Council shall have the power to raise funds as are necessary to its operation in such manner as the Council deems appropriate, provided, however, that the State Council must seek to obtain the written permission of each Chapter located in a geographic area where the State Council proposes to conduct a fundraising campaign, prior to the commencement of any such activity. Chapters shall have sixty (60) days to respond favorably or unfavorably to any request for permission to conduct such a fund-raising activity. A failure by a Chapter to respond to any such request within sixty (60) days shall be deemed to be a grant of permission to the State Council. Any denial of permission by a Chapter shall be subject to review by the entire State Council at its next regular meeting or at a special meeting. A two-thirds (2/3) vote of the entire State Council shall be required to overrule a Chapter.
Section 2 – Financial Controls
The fiscal year of the South Carolina State Council shall commence on the first day of March and end on the last day of February in each year.
The South Carolina State Council has provided a corporate seal, which is in the form of a circle and our Council and the state and year of incorporation.
Whenever any notice is required to be given pursuant to the provisions of the Articles of Incorporation of the Corporation or of the State Council, or the VVA Constitution, or the rules and procedures of the Corporation, a waiver thereof in writing, signed by the person entitled to such notice, executed at any time, shall be deemed the equivalent of the giving of such notice.
The South Carolina State Council shall submit election, financial, and other required reports to the National Corporation as stated in the Constitution and will be subject to the prescribed actions for non-compliance.
These by-laws (excluding any appendices) may be amended by a 2/3 majority at any regularly scheduled meeting, or special meeting called specifically for such purpose, upon 30 days advance notification to the Council delegates. Such notification may be in the form of an announcement in the State Newsletter.
Appendix I
South Carolina Chapters
Refer to chapter tab on WEB site for current listings
Appendix II
State Council Committees
A. The Public Affairs Committee shall act as a liaison between various committees of the South Carolina State Council with matters concerning the media. It also should be instrumental in publicizing in the communities the purposes, goals, roles, activities, and projects of the Corporation, State Council, and Chapters.
B. The Finance Committee shall provide oversight of the financial activities of the the South Carolina State Council and shall recommend policies on financial matters, to include, but not limited to, assisting and consulting with the Treasurer on all financial planning, budgeting, reporting, and other related matters.
C. The POW/MIA Committee shall seek and promote the fullest accounting of those still listed as POW/MIA's in Southeast Asia and any other areas of the world, regardless of the conflict that initiated their disappearance. The committee shall disseminate information received on the POW/MIA issue to the National Board of Directors, State Councils, Chapters, POWIMIA families and friends, and VVA membership as called upon.
D. The Constitution Committee shall serve to advise the Board of Directors as to matters of interpretation of the provisions of these By-Laws, in accordance with guidelines and determinations of the Corporation..
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